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How much do those red heels weigh?
How much does the land where I was born weigh?
How much does identity, confinement, freedom weigh?

Contrapeso proposes to go through a journey experimenting with different materialities in relation to weight and lightness, reflecting on possible balances and (im)balances between the socio-political conditions that determine us and the power of movement.

How to organize our existence, our relationships, our past, our present, our sensible world in such a way that imbalance becomes resistance?

How to generate counterweight strategies that function as support and transformation devices.

August 30 and 31, 8:00 p.m.

Zavala Muniz Room

Prices for this show

In advance up to and including August 20: $400.
Overall: $600.

Quota: Free Montevideo Program.
2x1: SUA members (final price $600.)

Finance Master.

Data sheet

Dramaturgy and direction: Ingrid Esperanza and Mariana Blanco
Choreographer: Yuridia Ortega
On stage: Nicolás Sandoval and Mariana Blanco
Video art creators: Andrea Aguilar and Ezequiel Altamirano
Voices: Andrea Aguilar, Ezequiel Altamirano, Mariana Blanco, Yuridia Ortega, Ingrid Esperanza, Juanajara and Nicolás Sandoval
Musical composition: Juan Yanajara and Jesús Cuevas
Scenic design and lights: Leticia Martinez
Visual creators: Alfonsa Cruz and Fortunata Cruz
Recording, design and audiovisual production: Andrea Aguilar and Ezequiel Altamirano
Graphic design: Sebastián Laenz and Diana María Sanchez
Executive Producer: Virginia Caputi / TreintaTreinta
General production: Mermejita
Acknowledgments: To the System of Creation and Cultural Projects (SACPC) the stimulus provided for the realization of this event.

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